Monday, July 19, 2010

D&D for the Real People

I think it would be really cool if there was a site that allowed you to build yourself out as a D&D Character. The site would test your Asteroids skills to give you a Dexterity score, Check how many people are following you on Twitter for your Charisma, IQ test for Intelligence, and Typing test for Speed.

Then you could battle your way through a virtual quest, testing your dice rolling skills until ultimate Death by Level 3 Cave Troll.

Total Gameplay time: 0.093 nanoseconds.
Total bragging rights for reaching Level 4 Human: 10x Multiplyer ( but only by the Chair Ridden Hairless Gamer in the cube to your left who goes by the calling, Diety Coke ).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hey Lady in the Silver Ford Tempo

Hey Lady in the Silver Ford Tempo, I see you trying to text while driving. You can't fool me with that unmistakable posture, left hand on the wheel while you stare deeply into your lap.

I am not by any means going to tell you it is safe to text while driving. My own experience has taught me so. But, look, if you are going to do it anyway, there are ways to do it where you could probably avoid an accident most of the time and there are ways to do it that are downright stupid and will get you hurt.

So, Lady in the Silver Ford Tempo, staring into your lap while driving is not safe. Read the driver's manual again where it says keep your eyes on the road.

When I text while driving ( yes, I do it too. nobody is perfect, especially me ), I hold the phone on top of my steering wheel so I can see the road ahead while I briefly glance at the screen to find tiny letters on the buttons. My eyes are always forward, and although partially distracted by the cute catch phrase I am trying to type out, still able to see the brakelights of the Dodge dually in front of me.

End of Rhetoric.