Saturday, November 8, 2014

Multiverse, Complexity, Speed of Light, Gravity, and Unified Field Theory

Relativity, Complexity, Speed of Light, Gravity, and Unified Field Theory


Einstein came up with many great theories; When something travels at close to the Speed of Light, its perception of Time changes; When objects are on the slope of Space-Time, they tend to slide towards other objects .  He was close to the truth.  But, we've learned a lot since 1937.

What Einstein may have gotten wrong is that "Space" is not curved.  In fact, "Space" does not exist at all.  It can neither be measured nor observed.  Time, however, does exist.  Its effects can be measured and observed.  For you to understand where I am coming from, consider doing a massive find on every instance of the word "Space" in all Relativity texts ever written and replace those with the word "Time".  The equations should still work out.

Time is curved in a direct inverse proportion to the Speed of Light.  As an object approaches the Speed of Light, its perception of Time changes in proportion to its speed.  If you were to jump in a spaceship and travel at nearly the Speed of Light for 1 light year into space and away from the Earth, people on Earth would think it took 1 year for you to reach your destination.  You, however, would think it took a much shorter period of time.  Depending on your speed, let's say you thought it took 1 day to reach your destination.  On the trip back, you would think it took 1 day to return.  When you returned to the Earth, two years will have passed for people on Earth and two days will have passed for you.

Assume, while on your flight, your ship launched a shuttle craft in a forward direction.  Your ship is already traveling at nearly the Speed of Light.  But, your shuttle craft accelerates to what you believe is nearly the Speed of Light faster than your current speed.  From your perspective, it takes almost a day for the shuttle to reach the destination.  For the riders on the shuttle craft, they may think it only took a minute.

Now, assume the shuttle craft which is already traveling near the Speed of Light faster than your ship which is already traveling near the Speed of Light, fires a test  tube with a lizard inside forward at what it thinks is nearly the Speed of Light faster than it is moving, The lizard thinks it only takes a minute to arrive at the destination.

Now, for the really weird stuff.

From the perspective of the people on Earth, all three objects seem to be traveling at very close to the same speed and very close to the Speed of Light.  There is only a slight difference in the arrival of the objects at the destination.  The Ship takes 365 days to arrive.  The Shuttle takes 364 days.  And the lizard arrives one minute faster than the shuttle.

The lizard might have thought it were traveling at Warp 3.  But, from Earth's perspective, it never went faster than the Speed of Light.  You could infer this further, Warp 5, Warp 20, Warp 9000.  But, from the perspective of the Earth, nothing can travel as fast as the Speed of Light.

So, how does Light do it?  It is simple, Light exists in the 0th dimension and so is not bound to the laws of Time. Light doesn't ever think about how long it takes to arrive at a destination.  From Light's perspective, traveling is instantaneous.

Pick something up in your hands and look at it.  How fast is it moving?  The Earth spins at 0.5 kilometers per second at the Equator, and orbits at 30 kilometers per second around a Sun traveling at 250 kilometers per second around a Galaxy traveling  at 300 kilometers per second through a local group of galaxies traveling at some super fast speed through "space".  So, your object was already traveling at more than 580 kilometers per second when you picked it up.  But, it wasn't moving anywhere near the speed of light which is around 300,000 kilometers per second..... Or so, you think.


Atoms are made up of tiny particles called Electrons, Neutrons, and Protons.  Those particles are made up of smaller particles. And those are probably made up of even smaller particles.  And so on and so on and so on.  What all these particles have in common is that they are made up of a core with other particles orbiting around the core at nearly the speed of light.  When we observe the particle, we think it is spinning.  So, I am going to call this property of Matter Spin.

Matter can be organized into many different kinds of objects.  I am going to coin another term called Standard Organizational States of Matter (SOSM).  The Atom, the Electron, the Neutron, Proton, Quark, Lepton, etc. are all Standard Organizational States of Matter.  We might also consider Black Holes and the Singularity which existed before the Big Bang, to be Standard Organizational States of Matter as well.  Black Holes share many characteristics with the other particles.  Black Holes have an outer ring or orbiting objects called an Event Horizon.  On the Event Horizon of a Black Hole, Matter travels at nearly the Speed of Light.  Black Holes create extremely steep Gravity Wells.  Gravity Well is a term used to describe a steep curvature of Time powerful enough that other Gravity Wells cannot escape from it.  Other objects like Stars, Galaxies, Planets, Dust, and Toasters can be considered Non-Standard Organizational States of Matter. They don't have outer rings of objects or particles traveling at nearly the Speed of Light.  Please note, all objects, at some point, are made up of smaller Standard Organizational States of Matter.

It doesn't matter how large or small a SOSM gets.  It always has a Gravity Well and an Event Horizon.  Small SOSMs, like atoms, have small Gravity Wells with very steep curves.  Lage SOSMs, like Black Holes, have larger Gravity Wells.  Since small SOSMs have small Gravity Wells, the Event Horizon of the object has a much smaller diameter.  Black Holes are larger and have bigger Event Horizons.  Electrons are smaller and have smaller Event Horizons.  Quarks....smaller.  Etc.

Our Universe started from one particle.  We named our particle the Singularity.  Though, it was likely one of many SOSMs in a much larger Multiverse.  When it broke up (what we call the Big Bang), smaller objects were created, then smaller, then smaller, and so on until today.  But, there is no  reason to believe smaller and  smaller objects are not still being created at this moment on and on for all infinity.  Also, there is no reason to believe that larger and larger objects  are also not being created at this moment... on for infinity.

The Multiverse is infinitely large and infinity complex at the same time.

How did the Multiverse start?

[In Progress]
Time Dimple --> Two Time Dimples --> Time Dimple with Velocity --> Introduces Complexity --> Infectious Complexity --> Standard Organizational States of Matter --> Radiation --> Infinite Scaling --> what else?

Speed of Light

As an object approaches a Black Hole, it is governed by the physics of our three dimensional world. As the object accelerates towards the Speed of Light, the object's Time begins to approach infinity.  As the object's Time approaches infinity, from our perspective, the object will never reach the Speed of Light.  However, from the object's perspective, it is accelerating to many times the speed of light, thousands, billions of times the speed of light.  As it descends deeper into the Gravity Well, there may be no limit to how how huge the Time Relativity Ratio will become.  The only thing traveling faster than the object is Light, itself.

If Light can travel so fast, why can't it escape a Black Hole?.  There is a point in a Gravity Well where the curve of Space Time is so great, even Light cannot escape.  This is where the 0 physical dimension joins the game.  The Gravity Well stretches  out in a 0th dimension, creating an Organizational State of Matter that cannot shed its own Mass without outside intervention.  It can absorb Mass at any time but shed it only if something impacts it with a tremendous force.

So, if everything is made up of Gravity Wells (Singularities, Black Holes, Atoms, Electrons, Quarks, etc.), is there ever an Elementary Particle acting as the base building block all Matter?  I'd say, no.  Everything is made up of Gravity Wells and leave it at that.  There is no limit to how big or how small a Gravity Well can be.  Larger and smaller Gravity Wells are being created at this very moment.. on and on...for infinity.

The Speed of Light is the point in Time where three dimensional physics changes to 0th dimensional physics.


Time Waves (Gravity Waves) can be observed by taking two very powerful lasers of the same frequency set up perpendicular to one another traveling for several miles and intersecting at a single point.  Where the two lasers intersect, they will either phase to illuminate or phase to cancel each other out.  When a Time Wave passes through each of the lasers, the lasers will change phase in an observable way.  Time affects the rate of travel of Light.  The beams go from intersecting to not intersecting when a Time Wave passes through.

Gravity should not be thought of as a force that attracts Matter.  Gravity is a shift in Time where there is a measurable difference in Time between a point in Space on one side of a body and a point in Time on the other.  When a Gravity Well sits on the slope of another Gravity Well in curved Time, the objects traveling around the Event Horizon of the Gravity Well travel faster on one side of their Event Horizon than they do on the other side.  Since relativity is more extreme closer to the speed of light, objects on the Event Horizon have a tremendous Time Dilation between the two sides.  This dilation causes the typically round Gravity Well to be warped on the slope of Time.  The objects on the Event Horizon exist for a longer duration on one side than they do on the other.  The centripetal force of the objects are different on either side of the Event Horizon.  The difference in centripetal force is observed by us as Gravity.

Unified Field Theory

The Unified Field Theory, a theory that tries to explain how the three known forces, Gravity, Week Atomic Force, and Strong Atomic Force, are all the same force, can be explained by two simple equations:

e = mc2  (Energy = Mass x Speed of Light Squared)
m = GT  (Mass = Gravity x Time)

Assuming Mass isn't really a "thing", just a placeholder in an equation, You get the following:

G = (c2/e)/T
T = (c2/e)/G
c = √GTe

Simply put, the equations, above, mean everything in the Cosmos is made up of Gravity Wells of various sizes.  The following apply:
  • Objects of Mass can be described as a Gravity Wells large enough to observe. 
  • Radiation can be described of as Gravity Wells too small to observe. 
  • There is no limit to the size of a Gravity Well, big or small.
  • Energy can be described as Objects whose Time is equal to infinity.
  • Gravity can be described as an object with Spin passing through a slope in Time.  
  • Time and The Speed of Light (Space Time) are inversely exponentially proportional.

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